Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Shower Rubber Hose Attachment

contribution to Morocco, a country of diversity


Morocco / Morocco , Originally uploaded by Tijani.

Morocco, a country of diversity par excellence, is a country in the plural, especially in language, many languages and dialects are everywhere without influence anything at his unit. The Arabic with its different varieties, Tamazight, with its three major varieties: the tariff, tachelhit and Tamazight, the language of tributes Hassania Saharan (region of the Moroccan Sahara), in addition to foreign languages: French, English and English, the richness of this country's rich history.

Shower Rubber Hose Attachment

contribution to Morocco, a country of diversity


Morocco / Morocco , Originally uploaded by Tijani.

Morocco, a country of diversity par excellence, is a country in the plural, especially in language, many languages and dialects are everywhere without influence anything at his unit. The Arabic with its different varieties, Tamazight, with its three major varieties: the tariff, tachelhit and Tamazight, the language of tributes Hassania Saharan (region of the Moroccan Sahara), in addition to foreign languages: French, English and English, the richness of this country's rich history.

Leather In Cold Temperature

Debates sociolinguistic

Morocco / Morocco , Originally uploaded by Tijani .

Debates sociolinguistic

This paper is an interest in the current debate on language and their future in Morocco, he tries to demonstrate that a discipline such as sociolinguistics has its say, and can provide answers the many questions that arise about our company and its future linguistic identity.

1 - The importance of sociolinguistics :

Who has not? at least once in his life, faced with the following situation: in a train, coffee, party bus or when you speak to someone and you sympathize a little, he tries to guess which region you are just based on your accent and your way of speaking.
is a quite common which are engaged citizens who have no connection with the sciences of language, so much so that we might be tempted to say to just anyone "talk to me, I say to where you came from "and even go further and say" Tell me, I tell you who you are. "

Language is not a simple technical tool of communication that everyone can use in the same manner and for the same purpose, it is much more complex than that.
The language act is always revealing, and at the same level of carrier secret as the adage "you never bathe twice in the same river," one can also say "we never talk twice the Similarly, "even if it is to repeat the same thing.
When a speaker speaks, beyond what he says or what he means, other factors come into play in determining the way he says it.
The difficulty of the language under the scrutiny of the study science is that the scientist tries to understand the language of human beings in his most human: language, do not we say that man is an animal that speaks.

L? Story of a language is linked to that of its speakers, it expressed willingness to move forward and? Forward, or rather it may reflect their discomfort and deprivation; when Muslim civilization was in full swing, Arabic was his spokesman, and? expression as its universality? before it was Latin, Roman and Persian, and as c? is the case? English, French or English today.

Language as a main component of culture, and hence the identity of human beings has always sparked heated debates and passionate in all societies, ours (Moroccan) included. The debate on the future of languages is a reality in Morocco? the status of the Amazigh, the situation of Arab "dominance" of French and English. Each of the socio-politico-cultural has a different opinion to give. The opening of the political regime and the scope of public freedoms of expression and helping, everyone is looking for a position on this debate, the intellectuals of the monarchy through political parties, unions, associations "cultural"? to the point where the debate took turns politicians. it has become a Trojan horse to settle political history between the different actors of the Moroccan political field? exchanging accusations on both sides, affecting the integrity and credibility of each other. It has taken on dramatic proportions, during the debate on the spelling to be adopted for the transcript of the Amazigh. A debate which ended with the regime's decision to adopt the spelling Tifinagh. A political decision for a linguistic and technical issues, the main objective was to end a debate that began to threaten the unity and stability of society.

During all these years, sociolinguistics, which by its nature, is able to meet various ailments facing our society at the linguistic level, and to address the various ills plaguing the management of this field, has been relegated to last row, the benefit of the political exploitation of this debate on the future of languages in Morocco.
Sociolinguists are largely responsible for this situation, especially those who, according to Leila Messaoudi-practice "a sociolinguistic practice. In merely a role technique, and using the lazy method of transposing theory to reality Moroccan Foreign effortlessly adapting these theories to a society steeped in history like ours, sociolinguists Moroccan missed an appointment with history to put the country on the path of reconciliation with its history and identity.

Sociolinguistics, in collaboration with other disciplines of course, is the branch of humanities that can best meet the identity malaise afflicting our society, and can have fatal consequences for our future generations if we continue to practice the same ostrich policy adopted so far.
Facing this situation of discomfort is to realize that the main component in any attempt to solve problems-linguistic identity in Morocco inevitably by the speaker / citizen. The latter is conspicuously absent from this debate, then there should be at the center. It's not for nothing that the speakers are absent from accounts of individual actors and stakeholders in the language question, our company is just beginning to learn what democracy is: give the floor to the citizen first. At this level, sociolinguistics has much to contribute, since its role is to be attentive to the speakers (citizens) and what they say.

2 - talker and Democracy:
What relationship could there be between these two concepts: democracy and speaker?
At first glance, they appear far apart, the first belonging to the specific field of linguistics, the second to that of politics, but linguistics and politics have become so interdependent, that certain decisions of the latter can be the brainchild of the former and the opposite is also true, hence the emergence of language policy as a full-fledged branch in the language sciences. When we
have spoken above, sociolinguists of Staff, was to show how our leaders are detached from the reality of their society. Analyze the sociolinguistic situation in terms of conflict or war of languages, or in terms of market where everything is subject to the law of sale and purchase, and where everything has a predetermined price? is to miss the reality of the thing. Morocco has always been a country of coexistence, tolerance and cultural richness and linguistic diversity. Say today that the Amazigh (which has existed for millennia) or Arabic (which has its place for over fourteen centuries), are threatened, is demonstrate that much of our researchers, especially the most influential, have not been able to listen to the lessons of history, nor those of the speakers, who have managed to preserve their cultural and linguistic heritage during all these centuries, while enriching it with an open mind on many different foreign influences.

Today more than ever, when our country finds its way towards democracy and reconciliation. Our researchers are obliged to give up its privileged to the speaker, that he expresses his expectations, his real discomfort, which he expects his / her language (s). We need our sociolinguists away from price increases ideological, come to determine where and when the Moroccans are expressed in a particular language and why.
The speaker must take his right and freedom to speak the language of their choice, while respecting the right to "live together", that is to say, live their differences within the unit without complex or inferiority or superiority. The Moroccan
speaker has, until today, take advantage of its rich linguistic heritage. He speaks Arabic dialect when necessary, Berber when he needs it, French or English when the opportunity arises, and it is so rational and considered by communication situations. So why look any further when the response is very close, and it is the users who can answer all questions, just ask them and observe them in their daily lives.
The day our researchers, especially sociolinguists, ask their questions to the speakers without prejudice and relate their answers without manipulation, our company has placed its first steps on the path of democracy and respect for citizen's right to decide his fate and participate in one of his country.

The Importance of a Language Policy: Language Policy
is the set of measures to put state Q'una regulate the field of linguistic diversity within a given society is "a set of conscious choices about the relationship between language (s) and social life" (LJ Calvet: sociolinguistics)
Every democratic state worthy of the name must have its own language policy that takes into account the languages present on its territory, their stories, aspirations of the users to express themselves freely in their own language (s), and give them the means to develop and participate in the enriching the cultural heritage of their country.

Language is part of the identity of human beings, oppressing his freedom to communicate with his peers in the same language and display it belongs to the culture it carries, is an infringement of their fundamental rights, and can generate frustration which could be fatal to any society.
in Morocco in recent years have seen a marked trend towards the establishment of a fair and democratic language policy, and towards a more rational management of the Amazigh issue in particular, but much remains to be done.
The Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, the introduction of Tamazight in education, the more freedom given to the Amazigh associations? are indicators of the will plan to apprehend the Amazigh issue of a new approach and new perspective.
Despite progress cited above, the most important thing to do as many forces opposed to reconciliation with their Moroccan identity and history continue to empty the contents of these advances, and to beat them in the wheel. It takes a firm and unequivocal by all actors in our country to move forward in the process of institutionalization of the language and culture Amazigh, and why not a constitutionalization of the same language as that "national language" alongside the official language: Arabic. Imazighen could preserve their identity and their language for very long, and it is time for them to see culture flourish without complex, in a democratic, modern and without frustration.

Leather In Cold Temperature

Debates sociolinguistic

Morocco / Morocco , Originally uploaded by Tijani .

Debates sociolinguistic

This paper is an interest in the current debate on language and their future in Morocco, he tries to demonstrate that a discipline such as sociolinguistics has its say, and can provide answers the many questions that arise about our company and its future linguistic identity.

1 - The importance of sociolinguistics :

Who has not? at least once in his life, faced with the following situation: in a train, coffee, party bus or when you speak to someone and you sympathize a little, he tries to guess which region you are just based on your accent and your way of speaking.
is a quite common which are engaged citizens who have no connection with the sciences of language, so much so that we might be tempted to say to just anyone "talk to me, I say to where you came from "and even go further and say" Tell me, I tell you who you are. "

Language is not a simple technical tool of communication that everyone can use in the same manner and for the same purpose, it is much more complex than that.
The language act is always revealing, and at the same level of carrier secret as the adage "you never bathe twice in the same river," one can also say "we never talk twice the Similarly, "even if it is to repeat the same thing.
When a speaker speaks, beyond what he says or what he means, other factors come into play in determining the way he says it.
The difficulty of the language under the scrutiny of the study science is that the scientist tries to understand the language of human beings in his most human: language, do not we say that man is an animal that speaks.

L? Story of a language is linked to that of its speakers, it expressed willingness to move forward and? Forward, or rather it may reflect their discomfort and deprivation; when Muslim civilization was in full swing, Arabic was his spokesman, and? expression as its universality? before it was Latin, Roman and Persian, and as c? is the case? English, French or English today.

Language as a main component of culture, and hence the identity of human beings has always sparked heated debates and passionate in all societies, ours (Moroccan) included. The debate on the future of languages is a reality in Morocco? the status of the Amazigh, the situation of Arab "dominance" of French and English. Each of the socio-politico-cultural has a different opinion to give. The opening of the political regime and the scope of public freedoms of expression and helping, everyone is looking for a position on this debate, the intellectuals of the monarchy through political parties, unions, associations "cultural"? to the point where the debate took turns politicians. it has become a Trojan horse to settle political history between the different actors of the Moroccan political field? exchanging accusations on both sides, affecting the integrity and credibility of each other. It has taken on dramatic proportions, during the debate on the spelling to be adopted for the transcript of the Amazigh. A debate which ended with the regime's decision to adopt the spelling Tifinagh. A political decision for a linguistic and technical issues, the main objective was to end a debate that began to threaten the unity and stability of society.

During all these years, sociolinguistics, which by its nature, is able to meet various ailments facing our society at the linguistic level, and to address the various ills plaguing the management of this field, has been relegated to last row, the benefit of the political exploitation of this debate on the future of languages in Morocco.
Sociolinguists are largely responsible for this situation, especially those who, according to Leila Messaoudi-practice "a sociolinguistic practice. In merely a role technique, and using the lazy method of transposing theory to reality Moroccan Foreign effortlessly adapting these theories to a society steeped in history like ours, sociolinguists Moroccan missed an appointment with history to put the country on the path of reconciliation with its history and identity.

Sociolinguistics, in collaboration with other disciplines of course, is the branch of humanities that can best meet the identity malaise afflicting our society, and can have fatal consequences for our future generations if we continue to practice the same ostrich policy adopted so far.
Facing this situation of discomfort is to realize that the main component in any attempt to solve problems-linguistic identity in Morocco inevitably by the speaker / citizen. The latter is conspicuously absent from this debate, then there should be at the center. It's not for nothing that the speakers are absent from accounts of individual actors and stakeholders in the language question, our company is just beginning to learn what democracy is: give the floor to the citizen first. At this level, sociolinguistics has much to contribute, since its role is to be attentive to the speakers (citizens) and what they say.

2 - talker and Democracy:
What relationship could there be between these two concepts: democracy and speaker?
At first glance, they appear far apart, the first belonging to the specific field of linguistics, the second to that of politics, but linguistics and politics have become so interdependent, that certain decisions of the latter can be the brainchild of the former and the opposite is also true, hence the emergence of language policy as a full-fledged branch in the language sciences. When we
have spoken above, sociolinguists of Staff, was to show how our leaders are detached from the reality of their society. Analyze the sociolinguistic situation in terms of conflict or war of languages, or in terms of market where everything is subject to the law of sale and purchase, and where everything has a predetermined price? is to miss the reality of the thing. Morocco has always been a country of coexistence, tolerance and cultural richness and linguistic diversity. Say today that the Amazigh (which has existed for millennia) or Arabic (which has its place for over fourteen centuries), are threatened, is demonstrate that much of our researchers, especially the most influential, have not been able to listen to the lessons of history, nor those of the speakers, who have managed to preserve their cultural and linguistic heritage during all these centuries, while enriching it with an open mind on many different foreign influences.

Today more than ever, when our country finds its way towards democracy and reconciliation. Our researchers are obliged to give up its privileged to the speaker, that he expresses his expectations, his real discomfort, which he expects his / her language (s). We need our sociolinguists away from price increases ideological, come to determine where and when the Moroccans are expressed in a particular language and why.
The speaker must take his right and freedom to speak the language of their choice, while respecting the right to "live together", that is to say, live their differences within the unit without complex or inferiority or superiority. The Moroccan
speaker has, until today, take advantage of its rich linguistic heritage. He speaks Arabic dialect when necessary, Berber when he needs it, French or English when the opportunity arises, and it is so rational and considered by communication situations. So why look any further when the response is very close, and it is the users who can answer all questions, just ask them and observe them in their daily lives.
The day our researchers, especially sociolinguists, ask their questions to the speakers without prejudice and relate their answers without manipulation, our company has placed its first steps on the path of democracy and respect for citizen's right to decide his fate and participate in one of his country.

The Importance of a Language Policy: Language Policy
is the set of measures to put state Q'una regulate the field of linguistic diversity within a given society is "a set of conscious choices about the relationship between language (s) and social life" (LJ Calvet: sociolinguistics)
Every democratic state worthy of the name must have its own language policy that takes into account the languages present on its territory, their stories, aspirations of the users to express themselves freely in their own language (s), and give them the means to develop and participate in the enriching the cultural heritage of their country.

Language is part of the identity of human beings, oppressing his freedom to communicate with his peers in the same language and display it belongs to the culture it carries, is an infringement of their fundamental rights, and can generate frustration which could be fatal to any society.
in Morocco in recent years have seen a marked trend towards the establishment of a fair and democratic language policy, and towards a more rational management of the Amazigh issue in particular, but much remains to be done.
The Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, the introduction of Tamazight in education, the more freedom given to the Amazigh associations? are indicators of the will plan to apprehend the Amazigh issue of a new approach and new perspective.
Despite progress cited above, the most important thing to do as many forces opposed to reconciliation with their Moroccan identity and history continue to empty the contents of these advances, and to beat them in the wheel. It takes a firm and unequivocal by all actors in our country to move forward in the process of institutionalization of the language and culture Amazigh, and why not a constitutionalization of the same language as that "national language" alongside the official language: Arabic. Imazighen could preserve their identity and their language for very long, and it is time for them to see culture flourish without complex, in a democratic, modern and without frustration.