Friday, November 30, 2007

What Happens When Swallow Mouthwash

How to define the public debate

public debate takes a new face ...
The experience we offer here is to ask ourselves the fundamental question of how knowledge, laws, the State Institution for the, science, etc.. are both presented but also how they were formed ...
Public space is a social theme cross that can be addressed by the previous notions ...
But the real question is whether there is truly a public space in which each of the speakers is based around the same status register, with the same rights of speech and expression, minimizing the maximum term of Bourdieu symbolic violence, happen by a shape close to communicative action J. Habermas?

Arno Klarsfeld sprinkles Robert Ménard
sent by Seb Lemoine

Whatever happens, keep a cool head, while reminding us that each individual depends on his own experiences.

Manipulation is an art ... but the artist who falls in love depends of those who invented it ...

Pierre Bourdieu on Television: Manipulator Manipulated
sent by Seb Lemoine

What Happens When Swallow Mouthwash

How to define the public debate

public debate takes a new face ...
The experience we offer here is to ask ourselves the fundamental question of how knowledge, laws, the State Institution for the, science, etc.. are both presented but also how they were formed ...
Public space is a social theme cross that can be addressed by the previous notions ...
But the real question is whether there is truly a public space in which each of the speakers is based around the same status register, with the same rights of speech and expression, minimizing the maximum term of Bourdieu symbolic violence, happen by a shape close to communicative action J. Habermas?

Arno Klarsfeld sprinkles Robert Ménard
sent by Seb Lemoine

Whatever happens, keep a cool head, while reminding us that each individual depends on his own experiences.

Manipulation is an art ... but the artist who falls in love depends of those who invented it ...

Pierre Bourdieu on Television: Manipulator Manipulated
sent by Seb Lemoine

Monday, October 15, 2007

Skull Bandana Aviators Shirt

Closing the Blog

This blog comes to an end. I hope he has been helpful to some of you. The old articles are still available but I post more new.
Here are some links that may help you stay informed and to act, because unfortunately the pain is so far the daily lot of North Koreans. php3? id_article = 13407

To send petitions to the diplomatic representatives of North Korea in Europe :

Permanent Mission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Path Plonjon 1
1207 Geneve, Switzerland
Fax: 41-22-786-0662

Skull Bandana Aviators Shirt

Closing the Blog

This blog comes to an end. I hope he has been helpful to some of you. The old articles are still available but I post more new.
Here are some links that may help you stay informed and to act, because unfortunately the pain is so far the daily lot of North Koreans. php3? id_article = 13407

To send petitions to the diplomatic representatives of North Korea in Europe :

Permanent Mission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Path Plonjon 1
1207 Geneve, Switzerland
Fax: 41-22-786-0662

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How Soon Does Water Retention Disappear

Reflections on language contact: the case of khemissset

Ahmed Hariri
kenitra on: 06/07/2007

In a world where liberalism and openness of borders to free trade and movement of people and of property are the hallmarks of international news, we are witnessing a wave of communalism and return to isolationism unprecedented in human history, this wave is based on the supremacy of one identity over others and even on human universals.

So to counter all forms of reforms or reflections that would advance humanity in the sense of progress and tolerance, is running for the flag of the specific identity to preserve the established order, even back to a bygone historical ideal and overwhelmed by the very logic of history. The

Morocco is no exception to this observation. Always been two schools shared the field of reflection on its future: the first light of the conflicts and conspiracies everywhere, so much as an engine of history in the region, and most dominating the scene, but not the most influential.
a second trying to make sense of things by calling At least, not to take advantage before questioning the reality of society, ie to account for what people think and live interested, before issuing a ruling that could distort the decision-making on critical and sensitive issues such as the sociolinguistic situation in Morocco and the fate of languages.

Indeed, many studies and research have tried to report on the sociolinguistic situation in Morocco, taking a "generalizing." The studies said that "macro" and who claim to make findings on the situation in Morocco as a whole, can not lead to reliable and verifiable results on the ground, not to mention the political leanings and prejudices of their authors who influence and direct these studies from their first steps. And the confrontational approach of the field of languages in Morocco, is a reflection of the political situation prevailing in the latter it is a politicization of a field that should remain the fate of objective scientific research, which makes findings and proposes solutions for the benefit of all Moroccans, and not to seek a place at a slice of the population that feels bias in its political and economic rights. While, in politics, all shots are allowed, the field, oh so sensitive languages, in a society as pluralistic as ours, is a double-edged sword, and unwieldy.

I work on language contact in Khemisset. trying to report on the sociolinguistic situation prevailing in this city, we hope to contribute to the linguistic description of reality in Morocco in this part of the world and in this period in its history. Through a study targeted and limited in space and time, we will try to provide some answers to the following questions: • What are
the languages involved in Khemisset?
• What is the status of each variety in Khemisset language?
• Is there conflict or language contact in this area? • What reports
maintain Khmissa speakers of their languages?
• How the speaker of the locality he represents the languages involved?
• How to define itself in sociolinguistics?
• Are there features stigmatized or recovered by the speaker? • Changes
space (neighborhood, city) does it influence the linguistic behavior of Khmissa?
• Arabic Moroccan dialect used in Khemisset, he of local?
• The social status of the speaker Khmissa influence he's linguistic behavior?
• Is use of different varieties in different situations, arbitrarily or conscious and deliberate?

Through these questions and many others, we try to put the speaker in the center of our research is the one who should tell us its relationship with the languages available in his city, the one with Speaking of his countrymen other than his own varieties, and more importantly how does he live its language or languages within a multilingual society.

Our working hypothesis is: in a city where consumers use several language varieties on a daily basis for decades, adapting to each situation and each time making the back and forth between these varieties, mixing codes or alternating them, how is it that we have never heard of a major conflict in sociolinguistics?
In our first reading, yet to confirm and compare with data collected on the field, there 's a self-reflective and acquired over the centuries in the Moroccan speaker, which makes it able to live together continues to be the best answer to all those who think that every time the Moroccan necklace will decompose and leave behind chaos. This self

make the speaker Khmissa and more generally the speaker Moroccan assigned to each language, every dialect, and each variety a specific role according to their needs, situations of interaction and communication strategies. The speaker is smart, he wields his tools and language not only suffered a pseudo law imposed by others, it is neither higher nor lower its language.

In one house, within the same family, and at the same time, three languages are used without any problem, nor the slightest frustration dad talk to these parents and his brothers and sisters dialectal Arabic and alternating Amazigh, speaks to his wife in French, taking care to bring his parents and his grandparents in Amazigh and is designed exclusively for them in Amazigh although also include Arabic dialect.

The Moroccan identity has always been pluralistic, and if this nation has faced his demons until then, this is largely because she made the best of its wealth and its ethnic diversity, linguistic and religious identity.

How Soon Does Water Retention Disappear

Reflections on language contact: the case of khemissset

Ahmed Hariri
kenitra on: 06/07/2007

In a world where liberalism and openness of borders to free trade and movement of people and of property are the hallmarks of international news, we are witnessing a wave of communalism and return to isolationism unprecedented in human history, this wave is based on the supremacy of one identity over others and even on human universals.

So to counter all forms of reforms or reflections that would advance humanity in the sense of progress and tolerance, is running for the flag of the specific identity to preserve the established order, even back to a bygone historical ideal and overwhelmed by the very logic of history. The

Morocco is no exception to this observation. Always been two schools shared the field of reflection on its future: the first light of the conflicts and conspiracies everywhere, so much as an engine of history in the region, and most dominating the scene, but not the most influential.
a second trying to make sense of things by calling At least, not to take advantage before questioning the reality of society, ie to account for what people think and live interested, before issuing a ruling that could distort the decision-making on critical and sensitive issues such as the sociolinguistic situation in Morocco and the fate of languages.

Indeed, many studies and research have tried to report on the sociolinguistic situation in Morocco, taking a "generalizing." The studies said that "macro" and who claim to make findings on the situation in Morocco as a whole, can not lead to reliable and verifiable results on the ground, not to mention the political leanings and prejudices of their authors who influence and direct these studies from their first steps. And the confrontational approach of the field of languages in Morocco, is a reflection of the political situation prevailing in the latter it is a politicization of a field that should remain the fate of objective scientific research, which makes findings and proposes solutions for the benefit of all Moroccans, and not to seek a place at a slice of the population that feels bias in its political and economic rights. While, in politics, all shots are allowed, the field, oh so sensitive languages, in a society as pluralistic as ours, is a double-edged sword, and unwieldy.

I work on language contact in Khemisset. trying to report on the sociolinguistic situation prevailing in this city, we hope to contribute to the linguistic description of reality in Morocco in this part of the world and in this period in its history. Through a study targeted and limited in space and time, we will try to provide some answers to the following questions: • What are
the languages involved in Khemisset?
• What is the status of each variety in Khemisset language?
• Is there conflict or language contact in this area? • What reports
maintain Khmissa speakers of their languages?
• How the speaker of the locality he represents the languages involved?
• How to define itself in sociolinguistics?
• Are there features stigmatized or recovered by the speaker? • Changes
space (neighborhood, city) does it influence the linguistic behavior of Khmissa?
• Arabic Moroccan dialect used in Khemisset, he of local?
• The social status of the speaker Khmissa influence he's linguistic behavior?
• Is use of different varieties in different situations, arbitrarily or conscious and deliberate?

Through these questions and many others, we try to put the speaker in the center of our research is the one who should tell us its relationship with the languages available in his city, the one with Speaking of his countrymen other than his own varieties, and more importantly how does he live its language or languages within a multilingual society.

Our working hypothesis is: in a city where consumers use several language varieties on a daily basis for decades, adapting to each situation and each time making the back and forth between these varieties, mixing codes or alternating them, how is it that we have never heard of a major conflict in sociolinguistics?
In our first reading, yet to confirm and compare with data collected on the field, there 's a self-reflective and acquired over the centuries in the Moroccan speaker, which makes it able to live together continues to be the best answer to all those who think that every time the Moroccan necklace will decompose and leave behind chaos. This self

make the speaker Khmissa and more generally the speaker Moroccan assigned to each language, every dialect, and each variety a specific role according to their needs, situations of interaction and communication strategies. The speaker is smart, he wields his tools and language not only suffered a pseudo law imposed by others, it is neither higher nor lower its language.

In one house, within the same family, and at the same time, three languages are used without any problem, nor the slightest frustration dad talk to these parents and his brothers and sisters dialectal Arabic and alternating Amazigh, speaks to his wife in French, taking care to bring his parents and his grandparents in Amazigh and is designed exclusively for them in Amazigh although also include Arabic dialect.

The Moroccan identity has always been pluralistic, and if this nation has faced his demons until then, this is largely because she made the best of its wealth and its ethnic diversity, linguistic and religious identity.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Behind The Green Door Mpg

flee North Korea in barges

flee North Korea in barges
WORLDWIDE in barges
Article published in the 06/05/2007
At four, a couple of sixty year old son and their two-thirties, they sailed for four days from the coast of North Korea than the Japan aboard a wooden barges, no cab, driven by a small engine and more adapted to fishing in the river to the high seas Covering over 800 miles to the compass through the Sea of Japan, they fled the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) because "we can not live there, without money and without work", they told police. On board, they prevailed, with supplies, a small bottle containing apparently he's poison in case they would be taken. Le They were spotted, at dawn Saturday, June 2, by Japanese fishermen whom they called "the road to Niigata, Sea port of Japan (East Sea to Koreans), further south. They were off the small port of Fukaura (Aomori northern department). Alerted, the marine police escorted them ashore.
This is not the first boat people arrived in North Korea in Japan in 1987, a fishing boat with 11 people on board including four children, had drifted to the coast of Fukui Prefecture (central Honshu). The refugees were subsequently sent to South Korea via Taiwan. This time, Tokyo announced they would be sent directly to South Korea as they wish.

Their long and perilous odyssey that Japanese authorities fear an influx of asylum seekers arriving by sea encourage North Koreans to follow the example of Vietnamese after the fall of Saigon was an idea launched in the early 2000 by organizations defending the refugees, some of which forced the doors of foreign delegations to China. Is this time an isolated case or a new "route" to escape it is being put in place?

The leak of this fishing family is indicative of the severity of living conditions in the DPRK. They were not forced to flee because of the repression. They fled the shortage. They come, they told, Chongjin, major port and industrial city in north-east of the DPRK, near the borders of China and Russia.

The situation in Chongjin, where we were a few months ago, does not seem worse than in other cities of the DPRK energy and private resources. Life - Where what is on view to visitors - it somehow continues, slowly, silently, to the rhythm of the crowds who walk along the long avenues and rickety trolleys. Chongjin has the advantage of being close to China and Russia which demonstrates the importance of trade consulates. Some benefit. Most survived.

The dangerous journey by sea of the four boat people could indicate that the traditional route taken by the refugees through China is becoming more difficult. Long, the presence of the Chinese side of the border, a strong Korean community and humanitarian organizations International had helped defectors. But now, lock the border by Chinese police and forced repatriations which it engages seem, to some extent, a deterrent.

The majority of North Koreans who are smuggled into China by crossing the Tumen River, which marks the border between the two countries and does in some places only ten meters wide, are temporary migrants. They just make a little money. Some rarer want to immigrate to South and they began a long and dangerous journey of thousands of miles across China to Mongolia or Southeast Asia. The "road "By Vietnam was closed following the spectacular arrival in 2004, 400 refugees, who had angered Pyongyang. In Thailand, hundreds of refugees waiting to be sent to the South where more than 10,000 have settled (mostly for ten years).

In the late 1990s - at the height of the famine in the DPRK - it was estimated up to 300,000 North Korean illegal immigrants in China. They are only 30 000 to 50 000 today. Their situation is no less "alarming," said Peter Beck, director for Asia of International Crisis Group, an NGO aimed at preventing conflicts, which investigated their fate in October 2006 ("Perilous Journeys: The Plight of North Koreans in China and beyond"). They live in "horrible conditions and they urgently need legal protection," says Beck.

Victims of smugglers linked to networks of trafficking in persons, "sold", "raped and forced into prostitution" in the case of women, migrants are terrified of the risk of being forcibly repatriated to the DPRK. Their number (150 to 200 a week in 2006) has nevertheless forced the North Korean authorities to reduce the penalties they incur. China considers them illegal immigrants and remains deaf to appeals from international organizations to grant certain refugee status.

"The shortage, more than repression, is the main reason for crossing into China," said Mr. Beck. "Some migrants who have money can buy a risky passage to South Korea, others will suffer for years, violence and exploitation. They are afraid to return as stay, "he says.

To avoid this fate, despite the proximity to the Chinese border, the four boat people Chongjin have preferred to face the sea

Philippe Pons

Behind The Green Door Mpg

flee North Korea in barges

flee North Korea in barges
WORLDWIDE in barges
Article published in the 06/05/2007
At four, a couple of sixty year old son and their two-thirties, they sailed for four days from the coast of North Korea than the Japan aboard a wooden barges, no cab, driven by a small engine and more adapted to fishing in the river to the high seas Covering over 800 miles to the compass through the Sea of Japan, they fled the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) because "we can not live there, without money and without work", they told police. On board, they prevailed, with supplies, a small bottle containing apparently he's poison in case they would be taken. Le They were spotted, at dawn Saturday, June 2, by Japanese fishermen whom they called "the road to Niigata, Sea port of Japan (East Sea to Koreans), further south. They were off the small port of Fukaura (Aomori northern department). Alerted, the marine police escorted them ashore.
This is not the first boat people arrived in North Korea in Japan in 1987, a fishing boat with 11 people on board including four children, had drifted to the coast of Fukui Prefecture (central Honshu). The refugees were subsequently sent to South Korea via Taiwan. This time, Tokyo announced they would be sent directly to South Korea as they wish.

Their long and perilous odyssey that Japanese authorities fear an influx of asylum seekers arriving by sea encourage North Koreans to follow the example of Vietnamese after the fall of Saigon was an idea launched in the early 2000 by organizations defending the refugees, some of which forced the doors of foreign delegations to China. Is this time an isolated case or a new "route" to escape it is being put in place?

The leak of this fishing family is indicative of the severity of living conditions in the DPRK. They were not forced to flee because of the repression. They fled the shortage. They come, they told, Chongjin, major port and industrial city in north-east of the DPRK, near the borders of China and Russia.

The situation in Chongjin, where we were a few months ago, does not seem worse than in other cities of the DPRK energy and private resources. Life - Where what is on view to visitors - it somehow continues, slowly, silently, to the rhythm of the crowds who walk along the long avenues and rickety trolleys. Chongjin has the advantage of being close to China and Russia which demonstrates the importance of trade consulates. Some benefit. Most survived.

The dangerous journey by sea of the four boat people could indicate that the traditional route taken by the refugees through China is becoming more difficult. Long, the presence of the Chinese side of the border, a strong Korean community and humanitarian organizations International had helped defectors. But now, lock the border by Chinese police and forced repatriations which it engages seem, to some extent, a deterrent.

The majority of North Koreans who are smuggled into China by crossing the Tumen River, which marks the border between the two countries and does in some places only ten meters wide, are temporary migrants. They just make a little money. Some rarer want to immigrate to South and they began a long and dangerous journey of thousands of miles across China to Mongolia or Southeast Asia. The "road "By Vietnam was closed following the spectacular arrival in 2004, 400 refugees, who had angered Pyongyang. In Thailand, hundreds of refugees waiting to be sent to the South where more than 10,000 have settled (mostly for ten years).

In the late 1990s - at the height of the famine in the DPRK - it was estimated up to 300,000 North Korean illegal immigrants in China. They are only 30 000 to 50 000 today. Their situation is no less "alarming," said Peter Beck, director for Asia of International Crisis Group, an NGO aimed at preventing conflicts, which investigated their fate in October 2006 ("Perilous Journeys: The Plight of North Koreans in China and beyond"). They live in "horrible conditions and they urgently need legal protection," says Beck.

Victims of smugglers linked to networks of trafficking in persons, "sold", "raped and forced into prostitution" in the case of women, migrants are terrified of the risk of being forcibly repatriated to the DPRK. Their number (150 to 200 a week in 2006) has nevertheless forced the North Korean authorities to reduce the penalties they incur. China considers them illegal immigrants and remains deaf to appeals from international organizations to grant certain refugee status.

"The shortage, more than repression, is the main reason for crossing into China," said Mr. Beck. "Some migrants who have money can buy a risky passage to South Korea, others will suffer for years, violence and exploitation. They are afraid to return as stay, "he says.

To avoid this fate, despite the proximity to the Chinese border, the four boat people Chongjin have preferred to face the sea

Philippe Pons

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Axxium Opi Kit With Light

Do not miss the show "exclusive survey" on M6 Sun Jan 21 23:00 - Thu 25 Jan 0:00 replay

This week Exclusive Survey offers a journey through hell in North Korea.

A country out of time and cut the world is now under the spotlight. While a new famine ravaging the country already (3 million dead in the 90s), the Pyongyang regime has announced having completed its first nuclear test. A clear threat addressed to the international community.

Why such a regime, considered the "Jurassic Park of Stalinism", may still exist? Why the North Koreans do not they revolt? That is truly their tyrant, Kim Jong-Il, this true red billionaire who calls himself "the eternal sunshine"? To solve the mystery of this incredible country, two exceptional documents made in situ, in extreme conditions, and presented from the North Korean border by Bernard de La Villardière, which also heard testimony from refugees in the exclusive suburbs of Seoul

1) North Korea, hell every day How do we live in North Korea? After several months of negotiations, the journalist Dominique Hennequin was able to enter that country. During one of the few opportunities afforded some journalists each year - which are nevertheless closely monitored during their stay by officials of the regime. Under the pretext of following the work of the only French NGO presence in North Korea (Premiere Urgence), Dominique Hennequin was able to film the reality of the country, mostly hidden camera. The images he brought back from his trip are new and ... frightening. Aggressive propaganda, indoctrinating children as young as 3 years, until the glorification caricature of Kim Jong-Il as his father, Kim Il-Sung, economically deprived, poor sanitary conditions, the military regime based on terror, concentration camps, arms trafficking, drugs and counterfeit money, etc. ... Enriched with archive footage, a document very strong and uncompromising investigation on the North Korean hell everyday.
Presented by: Bernard of Villardière.

: Thu 25 Jan 0:00

Axxium Opi Kit With Light

Do not miss the show "exclusive survey" on M6 Sun Jan 21 23:00 - Thu 25 Jan 0:00 replay

This week Exclusive Survey offers a journey through hell in North Korea.

A country out of time and cut the world is now under the spotlight. While a new famine ravaging the country already (3 million dead in the 90s), the Pyongyang regime has announced having completed its first nuclear test. A clear threat addressed to the international community.

Why such a regime, considered the "Jurassic Park of Stalinism", may still exist? Why the North Koreans do not they revolt? That is truly their tyrant, Kim Jong-Il, this true red billionaire who calls himself "the eternal sunshine"? To solve the mystery of this incredible country, two exceptional documents made in situ, in extreme conditions, and presented from the North Korean border by Bernard de La Villardière, which also heard testimony from refugees in the exclusive suburbs of Seoul

1) North Korea, hell every day How do we live in North Korea? After several months of negotiations, the journalist Dominique Hennequin was able to enter that country. During one of the few opportunities afforded some journalists each year - which are nevertheless closely monitored during their stay by officials of the regime. Under the pretext of following the work of the only French NGO presence in North Korea (Premiere Urgence), Dominique Hennequin was able to film the reality of the country, mostly hidden camera. The images he brought back from his trip are new and ... frightening. Aggressive propaganda, indoctrinating children as young as 3 years, until the glorification caricature of Kim Jong-Il as his father, Kim Il-Sung, economically deprived, poor sanitary conditions, the military regime based on terror, concentration camps, arms trafficking, drugs and counterfeit money, etc. ... Enriched with archive footage, a document very strong and uncompromising investigation on the North Korean hell everyday.
Presented by: Bernard of Villardière.

: Thu 25 Jan 0:00

Tally Violation Error On Export Data

Korea South Korea will not help North against the epidemic of scarlet fever epidemics in several

Associated Press, January 10, 2007 - Press


North Korea will not provide aid to North Korea to fight against an epidemic of scarlet fever which would be reported in the country, said Wednesday a government official. The communist regime has not publicly admitted the occurrence of the epidemic, but the Korean media and NGOs have reported that the disease appeared in October in the province of Ryanggang north of the country and has already spread to other provinces

Tally Violation Error On Export Data

Korea South Korea will not help North against the epidemic of scarlet fever epidemics in several

Associated Press, January 10, 2007 - Press


North Korea will not provide aid to North Korea to fight against an epidemic of scarlet fever which would be reported in the country, said Wednesday a government official. The communist regime has not publicly admitted the occurrence of the epidemic, but the Korean media and NGOs have reported that the disease appeared in October in the province of Ryanggang north of the country and has already spread to other provinces

Haircut Fee In Fix Salon

a city in North Korea

Yonhap News, January 15, 2007 - South Korean press

Haircut Fee In Fix Salon

a city in North Korea

Yonhap News, January 15, 2007 - South Korean press

Friday, January 5, 2007

Baby Shampoo Good For Acne

@ import url ( Stolen Lives between Japan and Korea WORLDWIDE 18/12/2006

Baby Shampoo Good For Acne

@ import url ( Stolen Lives between Japan and Korea WORLDWIDE 18/12/2006

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

How To Take Susten 200

Left or Right ...?

In a few months to arrive in France the presidential elections (in May) and it is too late for those who have not yet done so, register on the electoral ...
For others, it is time to ask the question who will you vote?
I know many of you already have a clear idea, but never forget to listen sometimes your criticism ...
According to surveys, the dice are already cast and the second round would be a confrontation Left / Right between Ségolène Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy ...
Regarding the latter, we suggest you watch this little video ...:

Le Vrai Sarkozy
sent by Seb Lemoine

Regarding the first woman in France to be capable of passing the second round of presidential elections, we offer an interview with Pierre Bourdieu who knew her when she was still a student ...:

Left / Right
sent by Seb Lemoine

You will be alone on election day, so take your time, in good conscience to weigh the pros and cons and finally make the right choice, yours.

How To Take Susten 200

Left or Right ...?

In a few months to arrive in France the presidential elections (in May) and it is too late for those who have not yet done so, register on the electoral ...
For others, it is time to ask the question who will you vote?
I know many of you already have a clear idea, but never forget to listen sometimes your criticism ...
According to surveys, the dice are already cast and the second round would be a confrontation Left / Right between Ségolène Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy ...
Regarding the latter, we suggest you watch this little video ...:

Le Vrai Sarkozy
sent by Seb Lemoine

Regarding the first woman in France to be capable of passing the second round of presidential elections, we offer an interview with Pierre Bourdieu who knew her when she was still a student ...:

Left / Right
sent by Seb Lemoine

You will be alone on election day, so take your time, in good conscience to weigh the pros and cons and finally make the right choice, yours.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Abbotsford Brazilian Bikini Waxing

An idea is what?

Not always easy to have ideas ...
must often be scratching your head ...
Sometimes you make every crumb ...
But the main thing is here: we must decide (or ideas)!

Before anything else, I think the idea of "coolest" must be linked with some form of universality .
Let me explain.

Telling a story that directly involves the listener (or watch) is a stakeholder in what is said and / or done. That is to say it is very important to return to data reaching as many people as possible. That does not mean that these ideas and presented either popularized forms, sanitized and ultimately stultifying (as demonstrated by some television programs) of knowledge and stories, on the contrary, it is necessary that everyone can, without too much difficulty, identify and plan Within what is told. The element that seems simple but it is complex it is.

For example, in (re) reading a book on the Templars (the famous knights who, in the year 1000 in the fourteenth century, rallied around a certain religious fanaticism during the crusades), I I learned that what these fighters looking past was primarily the formalization actantial forced a sharing of all knowledge and all religions .

In my opinion, any story must start from this premise, of course, but knowing that this goal remains elusive.

All subjects, all subjects can be addressed. The key is to make the data consistent with each other while providing a plot (which can be summarized, for example, how this child will grow in power or not good conditions, the ways in which a vehicle from point A to point B will travel, etc..).

Taking the example of the biggest bestseller of all time, the Bible, we learn, even without having read it (as it is rooted in a form of instant collective knowledge, at least in the West), that it treats all data universalist (or universalist) that tend to explain how the world was born, how men have evolved, what they may incur, focusing finally on the story of one character presented as the " son of God "... is to dissect in greater detail to get a real mental picture of this fabulous story.

We are all human beings (women and men) do if only managing to read these few lines (which does not mean that those who can not do are not "human") but we like in terms of comprehensiveness (Identity of cognition like) to our common ancestors who lived during the Ice Age ?

A story, unconsciously or not, near or far, born in the history of mankind, or rather their (s) historicity (s).
What are the elements who helped to enable us to find ourselves today in the situation we face? This "situation" itself gathers others, it brings so many situations copresence t there are human beings (that is to say, while these lines are written end-2006 - some 6 billion 500 million different situations ...). But this situation, a situation depend on other situations. If only one situation no longer exists, it will take with it other situational absence, other individuals who are not interacting, making a significant number of social configurations different can not see the day.

Let us pause over these lines.
example, imagine that Albert Einstein never found any of his scientific theories on relativity. Many scientists today would then not being
[1] swot of the theories in question since they would not exist ... which does not mean that others would not have been able to establish themselves such theories ...
The famous formula (Universal) E = mc ² (where E is energy, m is mass and c is the speed of light, speed), representation par excellence of the present knowledge, is facing a challenge by "theories of the infinitely small," with the basics of quantum physics. Now is not this the same man who looked first on these questions? If Einstein was able to highlight both universalistic scientific theories, it has not fully tested for compatibility. At this very moment, physicists, astrophysicists, mathematicians, etc.. are now re-examine (often enthusiastically) the two sides highly scientific bringing together all our knowledge. Although the numbers are wrong, only a couple of parameters that can prove the compatibility between relativity and quantum have been updated today ... they are total a few hundred ...

Returning the original idea: ideas forming stories (themselves dependent of History) must be tinged with universal if they want attention .
The life of a human being can still be summarized in the famous riddle of the Sphinx to Oedipus offered in the morning it has 4 legs, at noon he was 2 and the evening he was 3. This analogy mark the three moments of the life of a human being: the "morning", he was a child, he drags himself to "4 legs" and the "south", he is an adult, it stands on two legs and goes about its business, the "evening", he is tired and needs a cane to help move forward.

One of the earliest factors of universality is another criterion that can not be more human (because it is the man who invented it): time.

Today, human life is about 80 years.
Planet Earth for its about 4 billion years.

These two statements, shifting and changing according to times, give us an idea (yet) of the two temporal extremes humans. To better illuminate borrow this time archaeologists another analogy temporal
Imagine that 4 billion years of our "good old Earth" only a single year of 365 days.
In these conditions, life as a unicellular bacterium, rears its nose towards the month of March, dinosaurs appeared around June, and ... man in all this ?

man as homo erectus, who is standing-(which is now estimated at 7 million years the emergence, with the discovery of human Dubai - hope of life - "steals" the first place to Lucy who had "only" 3 million years) seems to appear on December 31 of that year at about 8:30 am! He began to control the fire at around 18:45 (more than 10 hours to get there!), Jesus born (and died 33 years later) to 11:59 p.m. ET all our advances (which according to analytical postures, can either be presented as "Returns") technology would then account for a small second, starting from the industrial revolutions of the mid- nineteenth century ...

But what to do with this data? Become humble
most certainly question the future of mankind, the future in connection with its past, but mostly to satisfy itself that the time value as humanly universal "is probably something to both relative and very paradoxically universal ...

Maybe this a track to construct and tell a story.
time. Having, losing, fight against, run out, etc.. knowing that the final maturity of any human life is punctuated by a ticking ultimate recalling that there is not infinite (far away).

For we have here a fundamental factor that explains the desire of human evolution: for fear of breaking it puts everything in motion to organize, streamline its time of existence. Every minute counts. Was not it Benjamin Franklin who said that "time is money"?

soon as he arrives on Earth, the child who becomes man, wants more than anything to ensure that his time spent down here becomes something he can remember, the others will remember. The man is a creator.

Without creation, unimaginative nothing would have been possible.

If Leonardo (Da Vinci) had not dreamed the parachute more than 400 years before its appearance in today would we? Certainly, as the theories of relativity have been proven without Einstein, but it remains that the "parachute Leonardian" works. This was proven in 2005 by a "jumper" German.

This example, which is perhaps not the best given that the famous Leonard, described him as genius than crazy, reminds us, however it has also been imagined in terms of tool destruction, although the great "progress."
Long before the First World War, he had, indeed, conceived and designed the plan of a vehicle that today correspond to our tanks ...

[1] Tell you although right now, whatever the time, people work and toil (or not) to their tasks. The different time zones existing cover a range of 24 hours (+ 12 hours to the east / - 12 hours west). So if you read this about 18 hours in France, it is already midnight in Tokyo and New York only noon ... Human activity is a lean universal (or even galactic?).

Abbotsford Brazilian Bikini Waxing

An idea is what?

Not always easy to have ideas ...
must often be scratching your head ...
Sometimes you make every crumb ...
But the main thing is here: we must decide (or ideas)!

Before anything else, I think the idea of "coolest" must be linked with some form of universality .
Let me explain.

Telling a story that directly involves the listener (or watch) is a stakeholder in what is said and / or done. That is to say it is very important to return to data reaching as many people as possible. That does not mean that these ideas and presented either popularized forms, sanitized and ultimately stultifying (as demonstrated by some television programs) of knowledge and stories, on the contrary, it is necessary that everyone can, without too much difficulty, identify and plan Within what is told. The element that seems simple but it is complex it is.

For example, in (re) reading a book on the Templars (the famous knights who, in the year 1000 in the fourteenth century, rallied around a certain religious fanaticism during the crusades), I I learned that what these fighters looking past was primarily the formalization actantial forced a sharing of all knowledge and all religions .

In my opinion, any story must start from this premise, of course, but knowing that this goal remains elusive.

All subjects, all subjects can be addressed. The key is to make the data consistent with each other while providing a plot (which can be summarized, for example, how this child will grow in power or not good conditions, the ways in which a vehicle from point A to point B will travel, etc..).

Taking the example of the biggest bestseller of all time, the Bible, we learn, even without having read it (as it is rooted in a form of instant collective knowledge, at least in the West), that it treats all data universalist (or universalist) that tend to explain how the world was born, how men have evolved, what they may incur, focusing finally on the story of one character presented as the " son of God "... is to dissect in greater detail to get a real mental picture of this fabulous story.

We are all human beings (women and men) do if only managing to read these few lines (which does not mean that those who can not do are not "human") but we like in terms of comprehensiveness (Identity of cognition like) to our common ancestors who lived during the Ice Age ?

A story, unconsciously or not, near or far, born in the history of mankind, or rather their (s) historicity (s).
What are the elements who helped to enable us to find ourselves today in the situation we face? This "situation" itself gathers others, it brings so many situations copresence t there are human beings (that is to say, while these lines are written end-2006 - some 6 billion 500 million different situations ...). But this situation, a situation depend on other situations. If only one situation no longer exists, it will take with it other situational absence, other individuals who are not interacting, making a significant number of social configurations different can not see the day.

Let us pause over these lines.
example, imagine that Albert Einstein never found any of his scientific theories on relativity. Many scientists today would then not being
[1] swot of the theories in question since they would not exist ... which does not mean that others would not have been able to establish themselves such theories ...
The famous formula (Universal) E = mc ² (where E is energy, m is mass and c is the speed of light, speed), representation par excellence of the present knowledge, is facing a challenge by "theories of the infinitely small," with the basics of quantum physics. Now is not this the same man who looked first on these questions? If Einstein was able to highlight both universalistic scientific theories, it has not fully tested for compatibility. At this very moment, physicists, astrophysicists, mathematicians, etc.. are now re-examine (often enthusiastically) the two sides highly scientific bringing together all our knowledge. Although the numbers are wrong, only a couple of parameters that can prove the compatibility between relativity and quantum have been updated today ... they are total a few hundred ...

Returning the original idea: ideas forming stories (themselves dependent of History) must be tinged with universal if they want attention .
The life of a human being can still be summarized in the famous riddle of the Sphinx to Oedipus offered in the morning it has 4 legs, at noon he was 2 and the evening he was 3. This analogy mark the three moments of the life of a human being: the "morning", he was a child, he drags himself to "4 legs" and the "south", he is an adult, it stands on two legs and goes about its business, the "evening", he is tired and needs a cane to help move forward.

One of the earliest factors of universality is another criterion that can not be more human (because it is the man who invented it): time.

Today, human life is about 80 years.
Planet Earth for its about 4 billion years.

These two statements, shifting and changing according to times, give us an idea (yet) of the two temporal extremes humans. To better illuminate borrow this time archaeologists another analogy temporal
Imagine that 4 billion years of our "good old Earth" only a single year of 365 days.
In these conditions, life as a unicellular bacterium, rears its nose towards the month of March, dinosaurs appeared around June, and ... man in all this ?

man as homo erectus, who is standing-(which is now estimated at 7 million years the emergence, with the discovery of human Dubai - hope of life - "steals" the first place to Lucy who had "only" 3 million years) seems to appear on December 31 of that year at about 8:30 am! He began to control the fire at around 18:45 (more than 10 hours to get there!), Jesus born (and died 33 years later) to 11:59 p.m. ET all our advances (which according to analytical postures, can either be presented as "Returns") technology would then account for a small second, starting from the industrial revolutions of the mid- nineteenth century ...

But what to do with this data? Become humble
most certainly question the future of mankind, the future in connection with its past, but mostly to satisfy itself that the time value as humanly universal "is probably something to both relative and very paradoxically universal ...

Maybe this a track to construct and tell a story.
time. Having, losing, fight against, run out, etc.. knowing that the final maturity of any human life is punctuated by a ticking ultimate recalling that there is not infinite (far away).

For we have here a fundamental factor that explains the desire of human evolution: for fear of breaking it puts everything in motion to organize, streamline its time of existence. Every minute counts. Was not it Benjamin Franklin who said that "time is money"?

soon as he arrives on Earth, the child who becomes man, wants more than anything to ensure that his time spent down here becomes something he can remember, the others will remember. The man is a creator.

Without creation, unimaginative nothing would have been possible.

If Leonardo (Da Vinci) had not dreamed the parachute more than 400 years before its appearance in today would we? Certainly, as the theories of relativity have been proven without Einstein, but it remains that the "parachute Leonardian" works. This was proven in 2005 by a "jumper" German.

This example, which is perhaps not the best given that the famous Leonard, described him as genius than crazy, reminds us, however it has also been imagined in terms of tool destruction, although the great "progress."
Long before the First World War, he had, indeed, conceived and designed the plan of a vehicle that today correspond to our tanks ...

[1] Tell you although right now, whatever the time, people work and toil (or not) to their tasks. The different time zones existing cover a range of 24 hours (+ 12 hours to the east / - 12 hours west). So if you read this about 18 hours in France, it is already midnight in Tokyo and New York only noon ... Human activity is a lean universal (or even galactic?).

Punta Cana Gay Staff?


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Punta Cana Gay Staff?


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Monday, January 1, 2007

What Does The Cervix Feel Like During My Period

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007: Chirac Vows diverted

Diversion greeting wonderfully done!
Bravo to the director!

Have fun, whether you're manipulator or manipulated !


What Does The Cervix Feel Like During My Period

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007: Chirac Vows diverted

Diversion greeting wonderfully done!
Bravo to the director!

Have fun, whether you're manipulator or manipulated !


Red Spots On Tongue In Bird

Hulot withdrew from the race ... but can return

Relief political parties? Compliance with a given word? Taking into account the verbal Ecological Pact by the parties? Pressures?
Nicolas Hulot explains why he retired, not without emotion, the presidential race.
is the point of keeping one's word given that he puts forward: He promised to withdraw if the candidates were taking account the Ecological Pact, something they say do once elected ...
Beyond that, Nicolas Hulot said that the movement is now getting underway around the issue of climate change will continue (" I said I was suspending my interference politicals, it means what it means ," he says) and it will be easy to curb mésactions and other environmental harm as, or Rather, newly elected candidate (May 2007), is acting with the approval of his government.
Hulot does not advocate changes "revolutionary," but it "will change the system in depth, but not brutally (...) will change dramatically because that it will change radically or foul. "
The ball is in the camp of the presidential and individual citizens to change habits that are the benefit and comfort to the detriment of our planet.
But look rather:

Hulot to the Warehouse
sent politicshow

Red Spots On Tongue In Bird

Hulot withdrew from the race ... but can return

Relief political parties? Compliance with a given word? Taking into account the verbal Ecological Pact by the parties? Pressures?
Nicolas Hulot explains why he retired, not without emotion, the presidential race.
is the point of keeping one's word given that he puts forward: He promised to withdraw if the candidates were taking account the Ecological Pact, something they say do once elected ...
Beyond that, Nicolas Hulot said that the movement is now getting underway around the issue of climate change will continue (" I said I was suspending my interference politicals, it means what it means ," he says) and it will be easy to curb mésactions and other environmental harm as, or Rather, newly elected candidate (May 2007), is acting with the approval of his government.
Hulot does not advocate changes "revolutionary," but it "will change the system in depth, but not brutally (...) will change dramatically because that it will change radically or foul. "
The ball is in the camp of the presidential and individual citizens to change habits that are the benefit and comfort to the detriment of our planet.
But look rather:

Hulot to the Warehouse
sent politicshow