With the arrival of a child, it is essential to create a new equilibrium. The important thing is to leave a proper place to the father. Mothers are often in a symbiotic relationship and have difficulty trusting the father, but it is the key! The child needs both parents to be built.
> Respect the privacy of your child and teach him to respect yours
It is important that your child respects your privacy and vice versa. It starts its first month: each his room and his bed! As he grows up, give him his space to him, knock on his door before entering the room and ask him to do the same ...
> Impose limits
Respect your child does not quite allow it. On the contrary. It is important that you adjust the rules of conduct to follow and limits not to exceed ... And most importantly, be sure to stick to it! The child needs to grow up in a benchmark framework reassuring.
> Teach him to manage his frustration
You said no and have a good reason for that? Do not crack his face or crying attacks of nerves. Be gentle but firm. Disposing of, you make a child tyrant, depending on his mood. A force that will make unfortunate and inappropriate. All his life he will have to manage their frustrations and to defer his pleasure.
> Establish a climate of listening and sharing Show your child that you are available to listen. Plan outings and activities for two to share your passions respective . Explain your decisions if he does not understand or accept them, without going into the game of negotiations, where children are very strong!
> Cultivate self-esteem
is one of the keys to serenity. Highlight their progress, do not compare to most other devices, turn before he succeeded in this, do not feel guilty ... and witness him your unconditional love. This will give him strength and confidence in life. > Cultivate self-esteem
By Elodie Rousseau
on 04/06/2010
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