Palm oil is often present in many foods such as cookies or pastries in general. It appears more and more on labels of our products and even in organic food. Palm oil contains fatty acids that raise cholesterol in the blood and can produce cardiovascular disease.
Palm oil Chardigny according to Michel, a researcher at the department of nutrition at INRA (National Institute of Agronomic Research) offers no nutritional benefit. The fat of palm oil is atherogenic, that is to say that fat deposits form inside blood vessels which makes it more difficult path of oxygen.
" With palm oil, we know some exposure to cardiovascular risk "says Irene Margate, head of the nutrition unit ANSES *. Palm oil is one third of vegetable oils produced in the world, just ahead of soybean production.
Source: Le Figaro, February 10, 2011
Elise 5th
HANDLE *: National Agency for Food Safety, environment and labor

Production palm oil, accelerating deforestation in Indonesia.
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