9 e Key point: Respect and Humility
''Respect self is take care of yourself physically and mentally.''
is also take his choice - they are - happen to be aware of his situation from his mistakes and accept them.
Once this awareness is achieved, in a second time, admit mistakes to yourself. can help you evacuate'''' writing, for example; evacuate June 19, 2008
Then, with hindsight, it bring out your positive and constructive learning, events experienced: What I would do differently address the situation; What it brought me still positive and constructive, with hindsight, what I learned, What I want to do now ... This is necessary for your personal and interpersonal development.
And enfin, faire part – si possible – de votre apprentissage, de votre réflexion, à la personne ou aux personne(s) concernée(s), en ayant un échange, du respect mutuel et du recul face à ce sujet. C'est-à-dire, une fois les émotions libérées.
‘‘C’est en se respectant soi-même que nous respectons les autres’’
Having respect and humility is also realize that - when a conflict or disagreement with excessive nervousness, for example - your interlocutor is not always the only fault . But you too!
To do this, ask yourself: What is the quality or what are the hidden qualities of my interlocutor with this situation, this behavior, the facts?
Ask yourself too: Why it annoys me? Why it scares me, it irritates me, it bothers me, etc..?
And you, what about this quality with yourself? Have you had enough? Too? Not enough?
What do you do? Would you expand? Decrease?
How would you proceed?
What is your next move, your first step to achieve this goal now?
Articles: What is Shadow? Tuesday, February 17, 2009
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