Thursday, July 1, 2010

Secret Delta Gamma Initiation Rituals

What are the actions of''10''key points to ponder? [4 / 10] The 6

3 e Key point: Optimism

Taking into account the vagaries of your day is to come to focus on the''positive''and''optimism''that surrounds you ... It is a philosophy, a learning state of mind!

emerge from every situation - even the most unpleasant - your constructive and positive learning - facts, events, your experience is ... stand back!

is finding and applying resources or solutions to your situation.

To help, you can apply the method of Thomas Gordon - Problem Solving 6-stage - Thomas Gordon Monday, September 28, 2009 . And complement , which is ''''Evacuate your thoughts evacuate June 19, 2008

4 e Key Point: A varied

''Emphasize a healthy and varied diet! When you think about it ... The main part of your body that suffers and endures all inconveniences food is: your digestive system! Thus, when it is disturbed, your whole body is weakened! You are weaker physically, but mentally ... And it becomes a vicious circle!
This weakening will negatively impact your physical well-being and mental health, your looks and your motivation!

By adopting a more varied diet , noble and simple, it will help you regain your vitality , your desires and your determination.
parallel, combined with regular physical activity , you multiply the benefits of your diet and your health , which is beneficial for your physical well-being and mental!''

You can also read ez:

"Eating with Love" Principles of food wisdom Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Eat Fruit! Yes but when? Thursday, July 3, 2008

Previous articles:
10 key points to ponder!


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