Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thank You Coming My Party

What are the actions of''10''key points to ponder? [9 / 10]

9 e Key point: Respect and Humility

''Respect self is take care of yourself physically and mentally.''

is also take his choice - they are - happen to be aware of his situation from his mistakes and accept them.

Once this awareness is achieved, in a second time, admit mistakes to yourself. can help you evacuate'''' writing, for example; evacuate June 19, 2008

Then, with hindsight, it bring out your positive and constructive learning, events experienced: What I would do differently address the situation; What it brought me still positive and constructive, with hindsight, what I learned, What I want to do now ... This is necessary for your personal and interpersonal development.

And enfin, faire part – si possible – de votre apprentissage, de votre réflexion, à la personne ou aux personne(s) concernée(s), en ayant un échange, du respect mutuel et du recul face à ce sujet. C'est-à-dire, une fois les émotions libérées.


‘‘C’est en se respectant soi-même que nous respectons les autres’’


Having respect and humility is also realize that - when a conflict or disagreement with excessive nervousness, for example - your interlocutor is not always the only fault . But you too!

To do this, ask yourself: What is the quality or what are the hidden qualities of my interlocutor with this situation, this behavior, the facts?

Ask yourself too: Why it annoys me? Why it scares me, it irritates me, it bothers me, etc..?

And you, what about this quality with yourself? Have you had enough? Too? Not enough?

What do you do? Would you expand? Decrease?

How would you proceed?

What is your next move, your first step to achieve this goal now?

Articles: What is Shadow? Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Previous articles:

Thank You Coming My Party

What are the actions of''10''key points to ponder? [9 / 10]

9 e Key point: Respect and Humility

''Respect self is take care of yourself physically and mentally.''

is also take his choice - they are - happen to be aware of his situation from his mistakes and accept them.

Once this awareness is achieved, in a second time, admit mistakes to yourself. can help you evacuate'''' writing, for example; evacuate June 19, 2008

Then, with hindsight, it bring out your positive and constructive learning, events experienced: What I would do differently address the situation; What it brought me still positive and constructive, with hindsight, what I learned, What I want to do now ... This is necessary for your personal and interpersonal development.

And enfin, faire part – si possible – de votre apprentissage, de votre réflexion, à la personne ou aux personne(s) concernée(s), en ayant un échange, du respect mutuel et du recul face à ce sujet. C'est-à-dire, une fois les émotions libérées.


‘‘C’est en se respectant soi-même que nous respectons les autres’’


Having respect and humility is also realize that - when a conflict or disagreement with excessive nervousness, for example - your interlocutor is not always the only fault . But you too!

To do this, ask yourself: What is the quality or what are the hidden qualities of my interlocutor with this situation, this behavior, the facts?

Ask yourself too: Why it annoys me? Why it scares me, it irritates me, it bothers me, etc..?

And you, what about this quality with yourself? Have you had enough? Too? Not enough?

What do you do? Would you expand? Decrease?

How would you proceed?

What is your next move, your first step to achieve this goal now?

Articles: What is Shadow? Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Previous articles:

Monday, July 19, 2010

Confidentialilty Of The Position Clause

What are the actions of''10''key points to ponder? [8 / 10]

8 e Key Point: Love and Smile of heart

is accept him and his own values in its entirety.

It highlight its qualities ... express love, gratitude, his joy, good humor, his compassion and generosity , with oneself and that of his entourage.

To expand your love and your heart smile ... So Think of things that are pleasant, comforting you, motivate you and give you a smile .

Think its actions, its events, its situations or moments that give you pleasure. and let you ride with a smile.

''Loving yourself is also loving the people around you''

To help you to practice - your heart energy - I recommend this book: http://www.energieducoeur.com/accueil.html

Previous Entries :

Confidentialilty Of The Position Clause

What are the actions of''10''key points to ponder? [8 / 10]

8 e Key Point: Love and Smile of heart

is accept him and his own values in its entirety.

It highlight its qualities ... express love, gratitude, his joy, good humor, his compassion and generosity , with oneself and that of his entourage.

To expand your love and your heart smile ... So Think of things that are pleasant, comforting you, motivate you and give you a smile .

Think its actions, its events, its situations or moments that give you pleasure. and let you ride with a smile.

''Loving yourself is also loving the people around you''

To help you to practice - your heart energy - I recommend this book: http://www.energieducoeur.com/accueil.html

Previous Entries :

Thursday, July 15, 2010

L Shaped Shower Curtain Rod Home Depot

What are the actions of''10''key points to ponder? [7 / 10]

6 e Key Point: Serenity and Zénitude

Give yourself time to relax to the vacuum of trying and stress - physical or mental - accumulated your days!

like a freeze frame ... relax, stretch, enjoy, meditate, contemplate, observe your surroundings, hear all the noises around you and feel the feelings that invade your person.

Feeling serene and Zen is also:

Learning to relax inside and enjoy the moment - the vacuum!

Take step back from its requirements, and location of events experienced!

To plan and visualize their own dreams to come as close as possible or even reach them!

''is take things back and philosophy, to be able to feel the serenity that prevails in the Self.''

7 e Key Point: Discipline daily

is having a course of action - which is unique to you as far as possible - that drives you everyday. Positively motivates you!

Having a rigorous daily ... It's learning to organize to achieve to realize its projects and goals that you set in your diary, your notebook or computer.

In other words, it is also honor its commitments with ourselves, and furthermore with others.

''Keeping the Promise to oneself is also respected.''

You're constantly changing ... remember to adjust your daily to events of your life. But also, your environment, in your desires, your needs, your feelings, your personal achievements and your achievements.

''The elements are in motion and are connected to each other!''

Previous articles:

L Shaped Shower Curtain Rod Home Depot

What are the actions of''10''key points to ponder? [7 / 10]

6 e Key Point: Serenity and Zénitude

Give yourself time to relax to the vacuum of trying and stress - physical or mental - accumulated your days!

like a freeze frame ... relax, stretch, enjoy, meditate, contemplate, observe your surroundings, hear all the noises around you and feel the feelings that invade your person.

Feeling serene and Zen is also:

Learning to relax inside and enjoy the moment - the vacuum!

Take step back from its requirements, and location of events experienced!

To plan and visualize their own dreams to come as close as possible or even reach them!

''is take things back and philosophy, to be able to feel the serenity that prevails in the Self.''

7 e Key Point: Discipline daily

is having a course of action - which is unique to you as far as possible - that drives you everyday. Positively motivates you!

Having a rigorous daily ... It's learning to organize to achieve to realize its projects and goals that you set in your diary, your notebook or computer.

In other words, it is also honor its commitments with ourselves, and furthermore with others.

''Keeping the Promise to oneself is also respected.''

You're constantly changing ... remember to adjust your daily to events of your life. But also, your environment, in your desires, your needs, your feelings, your personal achievements and your achievements.

''The elements are in motion and are connected to each other!''

Previous articles:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Carpet Install Closet Door

What are the actions of''10''key points to ponder? [5 / 10]

5 e Key Point: Positive Motivation

The Procrastination ''''- always defer''the actions that can be made on the same time''- is a fairly common mode, preventing a positive motivation in everyday life.

- What rocrastination P? June 8, 2008 -

To remedy this, consider the inverse of the "Procrastination" : is act with alacrity,'','' Entrain and timeliness.

Get a list of''Things to Do'' in your daily life. Write your goals and set your ! - This lets you see clearer - Whether order personal or professional, to achieve in the day in the week, month or year. In the short, medium or long term.

Plan your actions and see them in your diary at the time agreed.

Once every Thing to Do''''achieved, scratch it! This helps you realize and visualize what you've accomplished.

To develop as much as possible your enthusiasm and positive motivation : v oyez once you complete the action!

R Raise the changes you made to your environment!

Try to feel you, in your body, feel that there remains having established and concretized with any such action (s)!

If you still feel constrained ... Ask yourself: What prevents me from taking action? What do I need? Or perhaps, what am I afraid?

You can also encourage you to take action in your listing and feeling the positive effects expected from being passed to the action.

Carpet Install Closet Door

What are the actions of''10''key points to ponder? [5 / 10]

5 e Key Point: Positive Motivation

The Procrastination ''''- always defer''the actions that can be made on the same time''- is a fairly common mode, preventing a positive motivation in everyday life.

- What rocrastination P? June 8, 2008 -

To remedy this, consider the inverse of the "Procrastination" : is act with alacrity,'','' Entrain and timeliness.

Get a list of''Things to Do'' in your daily life. Write your goals and set your ! - This lets you see clearer - Whether order personal or professional, to achieve in the day in the week, month or year. In the short, medium or long term.

Plan your actions and see them in your diary at the time agreed.

Once every Thing to Do''''achieved, scratch it! This helps you realize and visualize what you've accomplished.

To develop as much as possible your enthusiasm and positive motivation : v oyez once you complete the action!

R Raise the changes you made to your environment!

Try to feel you, in your body, feel that there remains having established and concretized with any such action (s)!

If you still feel constrained ... Ask yourself: What prevents me from taking action? What do I need? Or perhaps, what am I afraid?

You can also encourage you to take action in your listing and feeling the positive effects expected from being passed to the action.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Secret Delta Gamma Initiation Rituals

What are the actions of''10''key points to ponder? [4 / 10] The 6

3 e Key point: Optimism

Taking into account the vagaries of your day is to come to focus on the''positive''and''optimism''that surrounds you ... It is a philosophy, a learning state of mind!

emerge from every situation - even the most unpleasant - your constructive and positive learning - facts, events, your experience is ... stand back!

is finding and applying resources or solutions to your situation.

To help, you can apply the method of Thomas Gordon - Problem Solving 6-stage - Thomas Gordon Monday, September 28, 2009 . And complement , which is ''''Evacuate your thoughts evacuate June 19, 2008

4 e Key Point: A varied

''Emphasize a healthy and varied diet! When you think about it ... The main part of your body that suffers and endures all inconveniences food is: your digestive system! Thus, when it is disturbed, your whole body is weakened! You are weaker physically, but mentally ... And it becomes a vicious circle!
This weakening will negatively impact your physical well-being and mental health, your looks and your motivation!

By adopting a more varied diet , noble and simple, it will help you regain your vitality , your desires and your determination.
parallel, combined with regular physical activity , you multiply the benefits of your diet and your health , which is beneficial for your physical well-being and mental!''

You can also read ez:

"Eating with Love" Principles of food wisdom Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Eat Fruit! Yes but when? Thursday, July 3, 2008

Previous articles:
10 key points to ponder!

Secret Delta Gamma Initiation Rituals

What are the actions of''10''key points to ponder? [4 / 10] The 6

3 e Key point: Optimism

Taking into account the vagaries of your day is to come to focus on the''positive''and''optimism''that surrounds you ... It is a philosophy, a learning state of mind!

emerge from every situation - even the most unpleasant - your constructive and positive learning - facts, events, your experience is ... stand back!

is finding and applying resources or solutions to your situation.

To help, you can apply the method of Thomas Gordon - Problem Solving 6-stage - Thomas Gordon Monday, September 28, 2009 . And complement , which is ''''Evacuate your thoughts evacuate June 19, 2008

4 e Key Point: A varied

''Emphasize a healthy and varied diet! When you think about it ... The main part of your body that suffers and endures all inconveniences food is: your digestive system! Thus, when it is disturbed, your whole body is weakened! You are weaker physically, but mentally ... And it becomes a vicious circle!
This weakening will negatively impact your physical well-being and mental health, your looks and your motivation!

By adopting a more varied diet , noble and simple, it will help you regain your vitality , your desires and your determination.
parallel, combined with regular physical activity , you multiply the benefits of your diet and your health , which is beneficial for your physical well-being and mental!''

You can also read ez:

"Eating with Love" Principles of food wisdom Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Eat Fruit! Yes but when? Thursday, July 3, 2008

Previous articles:
10 key points to ponder!