Sunday, January 21, 2007

Axxium Opi Kit With Light

Do not miss the show "exclusive survey" on M6 Sun Jan 21 23:00 - Thu 25 Jan 0:00 replay

This week Exclusive Survey offers a journey through hell in North Korea.

A country out of time and cut the world is now under the spotlight. While a new famine ravaging the country already (3 million dead in the 90s), the Pyongyang regime has announced having completed its first nuclear test. A clear threat addressed to the international community.

Why such a regime, considered the "Jurassic Park of Stalinism", may still exist? Why the North Koreans do not they revolt? That is truly their tyrant, Kim Jong-Il, this true red billionaire who calls himself "the eternal sunshine"? To solve the mystery of this incredible country, two exceptional documents made in situ, in extreme conditions, and presented from the North Korean border by Bernard de La Villardière, which also heard testimony from refugees in the exclusive suburbs of Seoul

1) North Korea, hell every day How do we live in North Korea? After several months of negotiations, the journalist Dominique Hennequin was able to enter that country. During one of the few opportunities afforded some journalists each year - which are nevertheless closely monitored during their stay by officials of the regime. Under the pretext of following the work of the only French NGO presence in North Korea (Premiere Urgence), Dominique Hennequin was able to film the reality of the country, mostly hidden camera. The images he brought back from his trip are new and ... frightening. Aggressive propaganda, indoctrinating children as young as 3 years, until the glorification caricature of Kim Jong-Il as his father, Kim Il-Sung, economically deprived, poor sanitary conditions, the military regime based on terror, concentration camps, arms trafficking, drugs and counterfeit money, etc. ... Enriched with archive footage, a document very strong and uncompromising investigation on the North Korean hell everyday.
Presented by: Bernard of Villardière.

: Thu 25 Jan 0:00


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